Irontech doll

Title: Automatic Body Movement [Print]

Author: Daddyfinger2    Time: 2023-2-7 12:25     Title: Automatic Body Movement

I received one of the new mechanical robot dolls with the body movement feature. Here's how it went.

Out of the box the Doll appeared to be in perfect condition. well packaged inside of the box but the exterior of the box showed a lot of shipping damage. luckily there wasn't a single scratch on the doll. a 163 B cup. 1st thing to do was thaw the doll since it came thru Alaska and arrived to her home in the remote Appalachian area that's presently freezing cold. the doll was basically frozen on arrival. After sitting in room temp for 2 days, I felt comfortable enough to remove her from the packaging. Body heating was added to this unit but it arrived inoperable and failed to heat the unit past 74-F. disappointing but no biggie since i have a heat blankets that works just as good. the next thing I found was the body movement feature when activated did what it was advertised to do and did move the center of the torso in 3 separate speeds. after leaving the movement option on for approximately 2 minutes seeing what it does, a popping sound came from the upper center torso. I immediately turned it off. checked to make sure it wasn't being cause by some poor posture issue and tried restarting the feature. this time a snapping sound came from the upper front torso and the movement turned into a small clicking twitch. the supplier wanted video of this malfunction and in obtaining the video the torso section of the skeleton broke and the doll bent 90 degrees backwards. the shaft that drives the body movement feature broke. There is a lose clunking when moving the doll around now. You can hear a loose rod banging around the interior of a metal container housing the mechanism. After discussing the matter with the seller I made the call that this unit was too unsafe to use since the torso was completely unstable. I ordered a replacement. I would not take my experience as typical.  this happened to be a unique and individual mechanical failure given the proven track record of high quality dolls from Irontech. Sadly there won't be a refund since this was a custom order and you know how that is. Repairing the motor and shaft seems too big of a hassle shipping it back for repair. The new replacement will arrive soon and hopefully things turn out a better.   

Author: ColdGamemi    Time: 2024-10-27 06:25     Title: Frio como el hielo: descubre la experiencia de Cold Game Casino

Daddyfinger2 posted on 2023-2-7 12:25
I received one of the new mechanical robot dolls with the body movement feature. Here's how it went. ...

!Claro! Aqui tienes un comentario que puedes utilizar:


Este material presenta un analisis interesante sobre el tema, pero me gustaria senalar algunos puntos que podrian mejorarse. En primer lugar, aunque la informacion es relevante, a veces parece carecer de profundidad en ciertos aspectos. Seria enriquecedor incluir mas datos o ejemplos que respalden las afirmaciones realizadas.

Ademas, hay algunos argumentos que no parecen tan bien fundamentados y podrian beneficiarse de una mayor discusion. La diversidad de perspectivas es crucial, especialmente en temas tan complejos, y creo que explorar opiniones opuestas podria ofrecer una vision mas equilibrada.

Por ultimo, la estructura del articulo podria ser mas clara. En ocasiones, saltar de un tema a otro sin una transicion adecuada puede dificultar la comprension del mensaje general. En resumen, aunque el contenido inicial es bueno, hay areas para mejorar que harian que el material sea aun mas impactante e informativo. !Gracias por compartir!


Espero que te sirva.
Author: ColdGamesn    Time: 2024-10-28 22:32     Title: Explora el mundo de Cold Game Casino: !estrategias y sorpresas!

Daddyfinger2 posted on 2023-2-7 12:25
I received one of the new mechanical robot dolls with the body movement feature. Here's how it went. ...

!Que interesante articulo! Me parece que aborda un tema muy relevante, pero hay algunas areas que podrian beneficiarse de un analisis mas profundo. Por un lado, la informacion presentada es util, pero deberian considerarse diferentes perspectivas para dar una vision mas completa del asunto. Por ejemplo, ?que pasa con las voces que no se incluyen en este debate? La diversidad de opiniones es fundamental para entender la complejidad del tema.

Ademas, me gustaria ver mas datos o estudios que respalden algunas de las afirmaciones. A veces, cuando se presentan ideas innovadoras, es crucial demostrar como se han llegado a esas conclusiones. La falta de evidencia puede hacer que el lector dude de la validez de los argumentos.

En general, aprecio el esfuerzo detras de este material, pero creo que un enfoque mas critico y la inclusion de mas fuentes fortalecerian la argumentacion. !Sigue compartiendo contenido asi, es muy valioso para fomentar la discusion!

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