Irontech doll



Irontech doll Forum Discussion Valentine’s Day Sale Reviews Event (Apr.1 - Jul.10) ...
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Valentine’s Day Sale Reviews Event (Apr.1 - Jul.10)  

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

Post on 2023-2-9 11:23 |All posts
Irontech Doll Valentine's Day Sale Reviews Event.jpg

An appreciation event for engaged customers.


Customers who purchased dolls during Iontech Doll Valentine's Day Sale 2023 (Feb.1-Feb.28)

Irontech Doll has big prizes for participants who post reviews.


Post doll reviews: Apr.1-Jul.10 (GMT+8)

Winners Announcement: Jul.15 (GMT+8)

Lucky prize:Irontech Doll Official will randomly select 3 reviewers to reward a silicone ass/silicone head (choose one).

Participating Prize:

Other reviewers can get a 15% off promo code. You can order Irontech Doll dolls at a discount on the website below.

  • 1. Must be over 18 to enter.
  • 2. Please leave a valid email when you register.
  • 3. The Prize cannot be exchanged for monetary value or any other item.
  • 4. The Lucky Prize includes shipping costs. Lucky prize winners do not have a coupon.
  • 5. The Lucky Prize winner will be notified by email. A response must be received within 7 days of notification. Failure to do so will result in the forfeit of the prize, and another participant will be drawn.
  • 6. Please show the gift sexy outfit/rose in your review photos to prove that you are a qualified participant.
  • 7. For all reviewers, we will send a coupon code (Use by July 20, 2024, cannot be used to buy accessories) by email within three working days. Please show the code to our authorized vendors when ordering Irontech Doll sex doll products to get the discount.
  • 8. Coupons can not combined with Irontech Doll discount offers in other events, but can be combined with free options in other events (e.g. free gel butt, standing feet without bolts, etc.)
  • 9. By entering the event, entrants will be deemed to have accepted and are bound by the Terms and Conditions. The final interpretation rights of this event belong to Zhongshan Junteng Yichuang Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (Irontech Doll)

You can use the coupon on these vendors, pease click to:

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

Post on 2023-5-4 10:32 |All posts
Reply system 's thread

How to upload photo:





Rank: 2

Post on 2023-6-19 21:56 |All posts
My Nicole just arrived. Thank you Irontech for giving me an update on the shipping. Here is my review:

I ordered her on February 16, 2023 via SiliconeLovers

Technical specs:
Irontech 168cm Silicone - Celine

Head: Same as photo + SOFT HEAD + ENH MOUTH
Hair: Same as photo
Eyes: Same as photo
Skin: Same as photo
Breast Type: Gel (Extra Squishy)
Areola Colour: Same as photo
Areola Size: Same as photo
Vagina Type: Fixed
Vagina Colour: Same as photo
Pubic Hair: None
Fingernails: C
Toenails: 2
Feet: Standing No Bolts

+EVO Skeleton,
+Realistic Body Paint & Texture,
+Articulated Fingers,
+Heating Rod,
+ softer gel ass (same as:  )
+Soft Vagina,
+Soft Head,
+ Ultra Soft Body,
+Enhanced Mouth
+ Hard hands
Extra Head: Yes ✓
Extra Head - Name: S26 + SOFT HEAD + ENH MOUTH

Packaging: 10/10 - Top Notch
Body Softness: 10/10 - Very Soft
Body Details: 10/10 - Great
Breasts: 9/10 - My Zelex has softer breasts
Gel Ass: 9/10 - Feels like real, but a bit saggy
Joints: 9/10 - Very Stiff 20230629_153943.jpg

Head: 9/10 - Shiny

Overall: 9.5/10




Rank: 1

Post on 2023-6-20 15:28 |All posts
Reply system 's thread
Hey there Irontech and fellow Doll-People (Is there an official community name?). On February 1st I made the decision to buy an Irontech doll off the fact I was turning 25 just two days later, and wanted someone there to celebrate with me. Obviously, that doll didn't arrive for another ~8 weeks, but I like think I got to celebrate both the birthday and Valentine's day when she arrived.
I ordered the 164cm Silicone Miyuki with just about all the options I could add on - soft Silicone just about everything, e

My Favorite Symbiote-Girl

My Favorite Symbiote-Girl
nhanced mouth, body painting, body heating, and the rather new Auto-Suck. What I didn't expect to be able to add on was the heating and vibration to that latter feature which had just become available AFTER I had already placed my order. After a quick email, Irontech graciously added that feature, and I was off to the wait. With just a couple of very well taken Factory Photos to tide me, my anticipation grew with every passing day.
Two months later, my 164cm Miyuki arrived a sleeping beauty in cardboard. The soft Silicone skin is pleasant to the touch, not as immediately pillowy as soft TPE, but with a rigidity closer to proper skin. The gel breasts and butt are plush and have a great hand-feel. Not as jiggly as Gel-TPE, but closer to a truer firmness. The body painting, while perhaps a bit to light for my liking, added well-placed veins along the body, with the signature long vein on the breast heralded by Irontech's 164cm line. The face of the Miyuki has a light bit of freckles that add a mental-texture to her face that amplifies her femininity, while the additional s34 has a more strong-jawed nature that pops with the pose-ability.
The 164cm body is all hills and valleys, and I don't mean that in a quality sense. The shoulders gently curve down to a moderate bust, chasms to a thin and grabable waist, and slopes again to plump hips. It's a figure to envy, and fills that fantasy of a girl beyond your dreams - with an emphasis on desire that overshadows the need for realism. The 164cm body is one to be explored with hands and eyes alike - never boring, always a delight.
The mechanical features are nice. Not as developed as products solely made for the purpose, perhaps, but a pleasant addition to add to the eroticism. The Auto-Suck feature was the one I was the most excited about. Fairly new for dolls to have, and recently added to Irontech Silicone line (Well, the vibration was recent at the time), the Auto-Suck had a lot to live up to. While perhaps not as revolutionary as dreamed, and rarely enough to fully satisfy a libido, it adds an immersion that is hard to put off. Despite my collection of dolls with varying sizes and qualities, my mind is drawn to the one that can play with me while I play with her. Given time, and the newer hip-features that werent available when I ordered, I'm sure it'll shine. The Auto-heating isn't very strong - maybe enough to offset the chill of a room a little, and only really relevant for the prepared. Its not a detraction at all, and can help warm a cuddle, but it's a luxury that can be forsaken for other upgrades.

As for Irontech themselves, there's little ill to speak of. The doll arrived around the stated date despite the delays faced by the factory. There were a few small dents on the surface of the skin, but this was also a noted consequence of the Softer Silicone. The lingerie and outfits have a fun style, with a Net-likened piece for smaller wear, and a Bunny Girl in Valentine's Pink for the main. The wigs seem already precut to frame the heads, so there's no need to trim unless you want to change them further. The heads were well sealed against damage, and aside from the aforementioned indents, there was no damage to speak of.
When I decided to place this order, I was nervous. It was the most upgraded doll I'd ever sought, it had a whole litany of features so new the forums clamored to know more, and it was from a company I'd never worked with before with a material I'd never felt. Up to that point, I'd been an owner of WM, SE, and a few smaller others. I had a lot of questions, and Irontech answered them all through the course of many, many emails. They worked with me on my choices, sent follow-up questions to help my choices, and shipped a beautiful product. To this day, she stands the centerpiece of my room - the hottest Gargoyle to watch me sleep.

Factory Photo

Factory Photo

Holding the Irontech Rose

Holding the Irontech Rose

Dominant Pose

Dominant Pose

Submissive Pose

Submissive Pose

Rank: 2

Post on 2023-6-29 23:23 |All posts
My Nicole just arrived. Thank you Irontech for giving me an update on the shipping. Here is my review. I apologize if I double posted this but image upload got buggy somehow.

I ordered her on February 16, 2023 via SiliconeLovers

Technical specs:
Irontech 168cm Silicone - Celine

Head: Same as photo + SOFT HEAD + ENH MOUTH
Hair: Same as photo
Eyes: Same as photo
Skin: Same as photo
Breast Type: Gel (Extra Squishy)
Areola Colour: Same as photo
Areola Size: Same as photo
Vagina Type: Fixed
Vagina Colour: Same as photo
Pubic Hair: None
Fingernails: C
Toenails: 2
Feet: Standing No Bolts

+EVO Skeleton,
+Realistic Body Paint & Texture,
+Articulated Fingers,
+Heating Rod,
+ softer gel ass (same as:  )
+Soft Vagina,
+Soft Head,
+ Ultra Soft Body,
+Enhanced Mouth
+ Hard hands
Extra Head: Yes ✓
Extra Head - Name: S26 + SOFT HEAD + ENH MOUTH

Packaging: 10/10 - Top Notch
Body Softness: 10/10 - Very Soft
Body Details: 10/10 - Great
Breasts: 9/10 - My Zelex has softer breasts
Gel Ass: 9/10 - Feels like real, but a bit saggy
Joints: 9/10 - Very Stiff
Head: 9/10 - Shiny

Overall: 9.5/10

Image upload in the forum seem to be broken, so I will use an image sharing website.

I am getting another Irontech doll next year.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

Post on 2023-7-15 10:16 |All posts
Winner announcement
Lucky prize winners:

Please check your inbox for our email.

Rank: 1

Post on 2023-7-18 15:51 |All posts
Reply Yanyan 's thread

Hi Yanyan! Dont worry about breast- having the same body with same feature choices I can confirm, that  the gel will be stil somehowl “working”  and in a month or less  it will become much more tender and squishier ( and maybe with higher room temperature as I do not even use a doll for sexual pleasure and  “squeeze”  her breast oftenly). With bit saggy gel ass- this I dont know, as mine doesnt look saggy to me… (you can check pictures of her in customers folder of this forum)  Enjoy your beautiful doll!

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